I don't know about you but I know that I have trouble with vocabulary. You really need to know the vocabulary in
every section to really get the section. I've created a "cheat sheet" for those people who just don't get vocab. . .
like me.
Ancient Rome
people who could participate in the government
human-made channels that carried water from distant mountain ranges into Rome or other cities
divided Empire into two in late 200's
Emperor who reunited Rome
Frankish King who built huge kingdom in Gaul
the decay of people's values
Emperor who retook Italy and much of the land around the Mediterranean
wife of Justinian she stoped him from leaving the city and helped him rule effectively
society that developed in the eastern Roman Empire after the west fell
pictures made with pieces of colored stone or glass
Ancient Africa
long deep valleys formed by the movement of the earth's crust
Africa south of the Sahara
strip of land that divides teh desert from wetter areas
open grassland wtih scattered trees
moist densely wooded areas
include father mother children and close relatives
belief that bodies fo water animals trees and other natural objects have spirits
process in which people exchange goods without ever contacting each other directly
Ghanah reached it's peak under him
Mali's rise to power began under this emperor
Mali's most famous ruler, and Mali reaches height under him
Soghai's growth was largely the work of this man
after overthrowing Sunni Baru, he took title of askia which means high military rank, he became known as Askia the Great
spoken record of past events
West African storytellers
short sayings of wisdom or truth
a hand-woven brightly colored fabric
Ancient China
historians someimes call the time that followed the collapse of the Han this name
a canal linking northern and southern China
a thin beautiful type of pottey
form of pronting n which and entire page is carved into a block of wood
a mixture of powders used in guns and explosives
this instrument, which uses the earth's magnetic field to show direction, revolutionized travel
body of unelected government officials
means service as a government official
educated member of the government
title meaning "Universal Ruler"
greatest sailor of the period
policy of avoiding contact with other countries
Ancient Islam
hills of sand shaped by the wind
a wet fertile area in a desert
group of traders that travel together
brought different religion to the people of Arabia, and got visited by the angel Gabriel
message Muhammad received form the basis of the religion
a place at which people worship a saint or a god
journey to a sacred place
building for Muslim prayer
means "to make an effort, or to struggle"
to the way Muhammad lived which provides a model for the duties and the way of life expected of Muslims
five acts of worshop required by all Muslims:
- saying "there is no god byt God, and Muhammad is his prophet"
- praying 5 times a day
- giving to the poor and needy
- fasting during the holy month of Ramadan
- Traveling to Mecca at least once on a hajj
Abu Bakr
one of Muhammad's first convers
title that Muslims use for the highest leader of Islam
slave soldiers converted to Islam and became fierce fighters
Mehmed II
led Ottomans to conquer Constantinople
Ottoman ruler
Suleyman I
Ottoman reached height under this emperor
household of woman living in it away from the men
Muslims that thought that only members from Muhammad's famliy could become calphis
didn't htink caliphs had to be related to Muhammad as long as they were strong leaders
Ibn Battutah
explorer who traveled to Africa, India, China, and Spain in 1300's
teachs that people can find God's love by having a personal relationship with God
Omar Khayyam
one of the most famous Sufi poets
narrow tower from which Muslims are called to prayer
decoritive writing
Ancient Japan
traditional religion of Japan
person who rules a country for someone who is unable to rule alone
group of nobles who live near and serve or advise a ruler
one of the greatest writers in japanese history
popular new form of Buddhism arrived from China
trained professional warriors
person who appear to rule even though real power rests with someone else
general who ruled Japan in the emperor's name
The Americas
a regio that includes the southern part of what is now Mexico and parts of the northern contries of Central America
sharp, glasslike volcanic rock
a king that had a temple honored after him
buildings to study astronomy
Mya legends and history were written in this book
raised roads across water or wet ground
conquered Aztecs with conquistadors
Aztec Emperor who let Cortes in his empire
written historical records in a book made of seperate pages
led Incas to expand empire
animals that are related to camels but native to South America
won the battle against his bro to gain control of empire but soon lost it to Pizzaro captured it
captured king and captured empire
Medieval Europe continued...
was excommunicated from church by Pope Gregory VII
a long series of wars between Christians and Muslims in Southwest Asia
Europes called Palestine this because it was the region where Jesus had lived, preached, and died
helped Byzatine Empire to defend Constantinople
when german king died, and french king left, this king was the only person to stay in the holy land
leader of muslim forces and main opponent for King Richard I
group of people who dedicate their lives and follow common rules
friar who made the order Franciscans
people who belonged to religios orders but lived and worked among the general public
a law that governed how the world operated
document listing rights that the king could not ignore
in time the council developed into this, the lawmaking body that govens England today
a long conflict between England and France that came to be
teenage girl that led French into defeating England
a deadly plague taht swept through Europe between 1347 and 1351
The Reformation
a reform movement of Western Christianity
a relaxation of penalties for sins people had committed
in catholic teachings, this was a place where souls went before they went to heaven
started refomation but never wanted to leave Catholic Church
those sho sided wiht Luther and protested against the church became known as these
most influential figure of the Reformation after Luther
major figure of Reformation was him
effort made to reform the Catholic Church from within is called this
this spanish noble founded the first new order
most important missionary of period was jesuit priest
French Protestants were called this
granting religios freedom in most of France
a long series of wars that involved many of the countries of Europe
sharing of power between local governments and a strong central government
a religious order created to serve the pope and the chuch
So that's the vocabulary for all the stuff that we have learned. I hope that you will enjoy the rest
of this site!
Medieval Europe
large landmass that includes both Euroupe and Asia
shape and elevation of land in a region
period that lasted from about 500 to about 1500
another name for the middle ages
monk who taught people about Christianity
religious men who lived apart from society in isolated communities, had no belongings
set rules for monks to follow
Frank empirer reached height with him
warriors who fought on horseback
knight who promissed to support a lord in exchange for land
historians call this system of promises that governed the relationships between lords and vassals
conquered England and declared himself King
large estate owned by a knight or lord
workers who were tied to the land on which they lived
was one of the most powerful people in the Middle Ages
Europeans called their code of honorable behavior for knights this
short three line poems of 17 syllables that describe nature scenes
Medieval Europe continued...
religious ideas that oppose accepted church teachings
efforts to retake Spain from Moors
ruled Spain with husband King Ferdinand
an organization of priests that looked for and punished anyone in Spain suspected of secretly pracicing their old religion
The Renaissance
travled with his family across teh Silk Road
a fee that borrowers pay for the use of smeone else's money
ruler of Florence in 1434
means "rebirth" and refers to the period that followed Europe's Middle Ages
study of the humanities led to a new way of thinking and learning known as this
politician and poet that contributed big time for the Renaissance
wrote a book that gave leaders advice on how they should rule
a method of showing a three-dimensional scene on a flat surface so that it looks real
great artist, designed buildings, wrote poetry, carved sculptures, and painted pictures
true genius fo the Renaissance, painted well-known Mona Lisa
wrote about the importance of knowing history
developed a printing press that used movable type
resulting combination of humanist and religious ideas is called this
dutch priest that was the most important scholar
famous norther artist from Gerany, studied astronomy
wrote a book that poked fun at romantic tales of the middle ages
greatest writer in English history for poems, plays, and books
The Scientific Revolution
the series of events taht led to the birth of modern science
is a particular way of gaining knowledge about the world
explanations scientists based on these facts
greek thinker and an ancient astronomer
people who looked at the world in a rational or reasonable and logical
was a forerunner of chemistry
wrote a book to start the scientific revolution
he marked high point, created Newton's law
helped Brahe, discovered many theories
first person to studiy sky with teloscope
scientific instrument that measures air pressure
english philosopher who read works of great scientists
believed to doubt everything until it could be proven true
a step-by-step method for performing experiments and other scientific research
a solution that the scientist proposes to solve the problem
29:11 "'For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to
give you hope and a future.'" Joshua 1:9"'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do
not be terrified; Do not be discouraged, for the
LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.'" Isaiah 40:28-31 "'Have you never heard? Have
you never understood?The Lord is the everlasting God,the Creator of all the earth.He never grows weak or weary.No one can
measure the depths of his understanding.29 He gives power to the weakand strength to the powerless.30 Even youths will become weak and tired,and young men will fall in exhaustion.31
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.They will soar high on wings like eagles.They will run and not grow
weary.They will walk and not faint.'"